Guymon, OK

Spearman, TX


Elkhart, KS

105 Jerry Street
Guymon, OK 73942
Phone: (580) 338-2536
After  Hours :  Jim Schultz (580) 461-0280
Chad Wilson (580) 461-0281
Fax : (580) 338-1420
Store Hours: M-F 8-6, Sat. 8-noon

Center Pivots

Remote Controls

Design & Installation

Gigot Agra Products is an authorized Valley center pivot and linear irrigation dealer.
We offer the latest advanced technology solutions to help you efficiently manage your irrigation and your time.
Our design and installation services are second-to-none. Our Service Team is available 24-hours/day, 7 days/week.
506 S. Highway 207
Spearman, TX 79081
Phone: (806) 659-3121
After Hours: Matt Johnson (806) 662-1015
Fax: (806) 659-3145
Store Hours: M-F 8-6, Sat. 8-noon
620 Kansas Avenue
Elkhart, KS 67950
Phone: (620) 697-1192
After Hours: Don Bennet (402) 616-5896
Fax : (620) 697-2100
Store Hours: M-F 8-5

Our Locations

Products & Services